Alma College International Alumnae Association Guestbook
This page shows messages from 2008-2019.
Messages 2000-2002 - Messages 2003-2005 - Messages 2006-2007
Name: | Donna M Robertson |
Email: | donnaro{at} |
Comments: | I again apologize for all the spam. I hope it will be fixed soon. |
Alma Years: | 60s |
Now Living In: | London |
September 16, 2019 03:01:24 (GMT Time) |
Name: | Indrani Dial-Maraj |
Email: | dialmeidm{at} |
Comments: | My Mom, Lynette Bobart and her sisters went to Alma College in the late 40s, I believe. She loved Alma and the students and faculty she met there. Told us many great stories. Would love to hear from anyone who knew her. Some names I remember were Mrs McCance sp. and her daughter marnie and Evelyn who did visit us in Trinidad. |
Alma Years: | late 1940s? |
Now Living In: | From Trinidad & Tobago & still living there. |
July 1, 2019 19:18:09 (GMT Time) |
Name: | Deborah |
Email: | deesweet.wordnerd{at} |
Comments: | Hi folks. I didn't go to Alma College but my mom did. She passed away a few years ago and I am finally go through all her papers and photos and souveniers. I have a great deal of Alma College stuff. I have pictures where people are dressed very funny and I also have a plate, with Alma in the centre. I'd like to pass these items to somebody with an Alma attachment. Are there any of her classmates out there? She was Mary Coxon. |
Alma Years: | 1962-65 |
Now Living In: | |
June 14, 2019 20:14:41 (GMT Time) |
Name: | Sandy (Wills) Gerber |
Email: | sandy.gerber123{at} |
Comments: | Alma was a life changing experience for me. I really believe my character was developed at that school. I made some incredible friends and would really like to reconnect all these years later. My best friend, Danielle Tedesco and I lost contact when I went to University and I can’t find her online. We were Snow Princesses and President and VIce President for Student council. I remember fondly Kim Kelly, Beth Campbell and so many more! I never received my yearbook and for my 50th, my husband had the yearbook remade for me! Please reach out if you went to Alma during 1984-1986 xo |
Alma Years: | 1984-1986 |
Now Living In: | North Vancouver, British Columbia |
March 30, 2019 00:42:22 (GMT Time) |
Name: | Nancy Walker (nee Pastorius) |
Email: | tistheseasondesignworks{at} |
Comments: | I was so sad to hear of the building fire...I still hold Alma College near and dear to my heart. Crazy memories, but good ones. |
Alma Years: | 1972-74 |
Now Living In: | Calgary, Alberta |
March 28, 2019 20:56:38 (GMT Time) |
Name: | Nancy Soward |
Email: | nancy{at} |
Comments: | Looking for Lorraine Jaikaran, Sarah Hayes, Peggy McGrogan. Can't believe we'll be celebrating 50 years since graduation next year! |
Alma Years: | 1969-1970 |
Now Living In: | Wilmington, NC |
February 4, 2019 23:54:08 (GMT Time) |
Name: | Fredda(NORRIS) French |
Email: | rogandfred{at} |
Comments: | Looking for Debra Jean Roberts, Deirdre (Irwin) Bennett Susanne Gibson(Sooey G),Val(Fleming)Herring Shauna Stocks and Merri (Morrison)Married Bruce Black.. Lived in Unionville?.. Heading to our June 8Th 50TH Reunion with Beth Turner and Martha (Fowler) Barnes. Having a Big PJ Party!!Go Austin House! |
Alma Years: | 1967-68 |
Now Living In: | BARRIE,ON |
June 5, 2018 20:15:52 (GMT Time) |
Name: | Lianne |
Email: | |
Comments: | Wondering if anyone in driving distance is interested in a get together this summer? This icy weekend has me nostalgic and wishing for warmth. |
Alma Years: | Early 80s |
Now Living In: | Toronto |
January 7, 2018 06:28:07 (GMT Time) |
Name: | Maureen Masecar |
Email: | maureen.masecar{at} |
Comments: | Sorry - All The Girls Have Gone is the correct title. |
Alma Years: | 1966-1968 |
Now Living In: | Sudbury, Ontario |
September 23, 2017 22:39:38 (GMT Time) |
Name: | Maureen Masecar |
Email: | maureen.masecar{at} |
Comments: | Would love to have a copy of "All the Girls are Gone" - was there a second printing? |
Alma Years: | 1966-1968 |
Now Living In: | Sudbury, Ontario |
September 23, 2017 22:36:04 (GMT Time) |
Name: | Gibson Brett |
Email: | bgibson68{at} |
Comments: | Never went to school there but had some fun Sylvia , Karen , Jane |
Alma Years: | |
Now Living In: | |
May 2, 2017 17:06:30 (GMT Time) |
Name: | Beth Turner |
Email: | turner_8{at} |
Comments: | Looking for : Janis Jones, Deirdre Irwin, Jan Sinclaire,Valerie Fleming,Carole McLeod, Liz MacArthur, Merry Clark....for September reunion! |
Alma Years: | 1966-1968 |
Now Living In: | Collingwood, Ont |
May 1, 2017 16:51:21 (GMT Time) |
Name: | Beth Turner |
Email: | turner_8{at} |
Comments: | Looking for 60's grad to attend the reunion in September 2017 in Toronto. Specifically years 66-68 ... |
Alma Years: | 1966-1968 |
Now Living In: | Collingwood, Ontario |
May 1, 2017 15:57:28 (GMT Time) |
Name: | Rosemary Benjamin |
Email: | rose.benjamin13{at} |
Comments: | I am deeply sadden of the news conerning Alma College. I was a foreign student from Trinidad from 1984-1987. I had many fond memories living at Alma College.I would like to connect with anyone during the time I attended. Hay Lisa Johnston remember me? I remember you! I would like to know about our teachers or staff if they are still with us..... |
Alma Years: | 1984-1987 |
Now Living In: | brampton, ontario |
April 4, 2017 06:56:13 (GMT Time) |
Name: | Rosemary Benjamin |
Email: | rose.benjamin13{at} |
Comments: | I am so sorry to hear about our beloved Alma College school and what became of it. I am deeply sadden. I had many wonderful memories as a foreign exchange student from Trinidad. I would like to connect with some of the friends I knew and find out about the teachers and staff if they are still with us. |
Alma Years: | 1984-1987 |
Now Living In: | brampton, ontario |
April 4, 2017 06:21:11 (GMT Time) |
Name: | Claire |
Email: | chalstea{at} |
Comments: | Hello, I am currently finishing my book on British children who were evacuated at to Canada in the Second World War. Some "English girls" from St. Hilda's in England were sent to Alma. I'm looking for anyone who remembers these girls during the war or any of the girls themselves! All memories and recollections welcome! Please do not hesitate to contact me. |
Alma Years: | |
Now Living In: | London/Halifax |
March 6, 2017 13:39:41 (GMT Time) |
Name: | Wendy Austing (nee Owen) |
Email: | b.austing{at} |
Comments: | I just went for a year and worked my way for tuition. My house (I think) was called 'Carmen House' in the basement. My Mother attended Alma in the 1920's for about six years. |
Alma Years: | 1959/60 I think? |
Now Living In: | Belleville, Ontario |
October 24, 2016 17:55:39 (GMT Time) |
Name: | Susan Robinson |
Email: | Susanna{at} |
Comments: | |
Alma Years: | 1952-53 |
Now Living In: | Pleasanton, California |
September 12, 2016 17:42:46 (GMT Time) |
Name: | Susan Robinson |
Email: | Susanna{at} |
Comments: | |
Alma Years: | 1952-53 |
Now Living In: | Pleasanton, California |
September 12, 2016 17:38:13 (GMT Time) |
Name: | Vicky Moggy (Stewart) |
Email: | Vmoggy{at} |
Comments: | Wondering if anyone knows where Karen bryers,Jan grey,penny umphreys |
Alma Years: | 1961/62 |
Now Living In: | Sudbury ont |
August 2, 2016 12:10:49 (GMT Time) |
Name: | Dee |
Email: | dcav68{at} |
Comments: | I am looking for a Cheryl nee Snyder who went to this school. I was a good friend of Cheryl's, would appreciate any info |
Alma Years: | about 1959 - 1963 |
Now Living In: | |
July 17, 2016 22:13:04 (GMT Time) |
Name: | Anne Wasylyk |
Email: | annikkid{at}hotmail.cokm |
Comments: | My mom, Anne Wasylyk attended Alma College 1941-1944 and is looking for anyone from that era. Sheila Smith (not sure of the married name), Joan Davidson who may be in the states - San Fransisco area maybe. If you are still around let me know. |
Alma Years: | 1941-1944 |
Now Living In: | Sudbury, Ontario |
April 25, 2016 19:03:33 (GMT Time) |
Name: | Sherrie Tutt |
Email: | shtutt{at} |
Comments: | Enjoyed browsing the comments but there aren't any from my years (although I just missed the 1955's. Am I all that is left? Surely not. Am considering reunion but may pass if unlikely to meet anyone I know. |
Alma Years: | 1952-1954 |
Now Living In: | Regina, Saskatchewan |
April 17, 2016 20:34:00 (GMT Time) |
Name: | Sherrie Tutt |
Email: | shtutt{at} |
Comments: | Both myself and my cousin Rae Willoughby attended Alma. My roommate was Pat Smith. I was not aware of the alumni until I started writing a screenplay set there. I would love to become a member and connect with any who may remember me. |
Alma Years: | 1952- 1954 |
Now Living In: | Saskatchewan |
November 1, 2015 16:00:32 (GMT Time) |
Name: | Rebecca |
Email: | rajohnston{at} |
Comments: | I do not remember much about attending Alma as I was very young at the time, however, I do remember learning to swim there. It is a tragedy that such a beautiful place is now gone forever |
Alma Years: | 1977-1979 |
Now Living In: | St. Thomas |
October 11, 2015 05:54:43 (GMT Time) | |
Name: | Beth Turner |
Email: | turner_8{at} |
Comments: | "Dear Old Alma"... I was saddened to hear of the fire . I remember with great fondness the fun times and the friendships. I look forward to re- uniting with lost friends from decades ago! I recently connected with Fredda Norris and it was fantastic. Perhaps at the next reunion! |
Alma Years: | 1966-1968 |
Now Living In: | Collingwood, Ontario |
August 29, 2015 14:22:09 (GMT Time) |
Name: | Susann Wolbers-King |
Email: | kingsue{at} |
Comments: | Always fun to think back on some of the best days in my life. Just bought a summer place in N. Vermont to be closer to new g'baby. Maybe, I'll take the train from Montreal to a reunion onE year. |
Alma Years: | 1966-68 & 1970-71 |
Now Living In: | Florida & Vermont |
August 24, 2015 19:48:01 (GMT Time) |
Name: | May Leung |
Email: | Maymayleung{at} |
Comments: | There was so so much good memories during my 3 years in Alma. I might even say that it's the best 3 years in my life (so far). You won't believe how much I missed the food in dining hall, I loved almost all of them (for course except the liver dish %uD83D%uDE29%uD83D%uDE29%uD83D%uDE29) the juicy yummy chicken leg, cheese puff, meat loaf, turnovers, brownies etc etc etc...... how can I forget those, almost every nights, after I checked whether everyone was in their own room (duty of a prefect), I would find the perfect moment, when not seen by any of the house mother and then sneaked into someone's room, chitchating until after midnight, until we were warned by the smartest guard in the whole world (didn't know how he knew), that light should be out and should go to bed right away...... plus so many more...... endless memories. Hope I will have a chance to join the reunion in the future. |
Alma Years: | 1981-1984 |
Now Living In: | Vancouver, BC |
July 15, 2015 06:45:59 (GMT Time) |
Name: | Donna Robertson |
Email: | donnaro{at} |
Comments: | I suggest that you join the group on facebook called 'Alma College' you will find lots of girls there!! |
Alma Years: | 62-66 |
Now Living In: | London |
June 16, 2015 00:57:16 (GMT Time) |
Name: | Randy Winchell |
Email: | |
Comments: | Googled Alma . What a surprise! So many memories of girls from my years! |
Alma Years: | 1966-1970 |
Now Living In: | Whistler, B. C |
June 9, 2015 02:36:40 (GMT Time) |
Name: | Sonia Blaylock nee Hrynkiw |
Email: | |
Comments: | Regarding past student of Alma College 1961-64 Carol Ina Taylor passed away June 4, 2010 at the Laurentian Hospital Sudbury Ontario, after a long illness. Carol married Michael Delongchamp in 1967, she had one daughter Tracey Lynn Delongchamp, who still resides in Sudbury. Carol was from Hornepayne Ontario, her parents owned the Taylor Hotel in Hornepayne, they have since passed away. She has been so sadly missed by me, for a long time. I never forgot her and tried to keep in touch until, it was no longer possible. |
Alma Years: | 1962-63 |
Now Living In: | St. Catharines Ontario |
May 20, 2015 22:28:00 (GMT Time) |
Name: | Mrs. Kathy- Ann Swan |
Email: | kajs80{at} |
Comments: | Glad to join the Alma family. Met at Grotto Bay Hotel for the 2015 reunion. A good time |
Alma Years: | 1977 - 1978 |
Now Living In: | Pembroke, Bermuda |
May 5, 2015 02:17:22 (GMT Time) |
Name: | tanya nazar |
Email: | tanyanazar{at} |
Comments: | Currently working as a social worker for clients who have suffered brain injuries.looking for 1984 1985 year books online if possible |
Alma Years: | 1984 1985 |
Now Living In: | fort erie |
April 7, 2015 02:36:00 (GMT Time) |
Name: | Patsy Wiebe-Milburn |
Email: | patsy{at} |
Comments: | I received the Alumnae Association news letter today and then took a look at the website. How interesting to read all the comments and see the news reports. I went back to the school before in burned down. It was empty at that time. Someone was trying to open it again and let my daughter and I go through on our own. The gym floor had heaved and looked very sad. Most everything else was the same. My old room at the top of the stairs in Warner was there where I roomed with Mary Alice Houle. We did have fun making snowballs one night from our window and tossing them in front of Miss Jackson's desk. I think she was a little upset. There are many good memories from being at Alma. It is very sad that it is now longer there. I am in St. Thomas every once and a while and always drive by. |
Alma Years: | 1964-65 |
Now Living In: | Kitchener, Ontario |
March 12, 2015 16:01:23 (GMT Time) |
Name: | Donna Robertson |
Email: | donnaro{at} |
Comments: | There are Executive elections in 2016 - please consider running!!! Should update the page!!! Golf Shirt – White Navy T – Shirt - Red Yellow – S thru XL Cap Scarves – fleece Scarves – Large Pashmina Blankets Miscellaneous Totes – regular Large Large – new blue tote Notepad Pens Note cards Mug – blue w gold Key Fob – silver colour Water Bottles – stainless steel Pendants – Alma in relief Silver Gold Plated Alma Alumnae Pin Red & Gold Bricks – Alma College - Picture of college Stones Robson Print 88s Grad DVD 60s DVD Alma History Book – Butlin Amphitheatre Booklet Trivit Coasters Wedgewood plates |
Alma Years: | |
Now Living In: | |
March 3, 2015 20:56:42 (GMT Time) |
Name: | Donna Robertson |
Email: | donnaro{at} |
Comments: | Current items for sale. Golf Shirt – White Navy T – Shirt - Red Yellow – S thru XL Cap Scarves – fleece Scarves – Large Pashmina Blankets Miscellaneous Totes – regular Large Large – new blue tote Notepad Pens Note cards Mug – blue w gold Key Fob – silver colour Water Bottles – stainless steel Pendants – Alma in relief Silver Gold Plated Alma Alumnae Pin Red & Gold Bricks – Alma College - Picture of college Robson Print 88s Grad DVD 60s DVD Alma History Book – Butlin Amphitheatre Booklet Trivits Coasters Wedgewood Plates Sterling Ring We should update the page with the items for sale!!! |
Alma Years: | 62-66 |
Now Living In: | London, ON |
March 3, 2015 20:08:02 (GMT Time) |
Name: | Donna Rpbertson |
Email: | donnaro{at} |
Comments: | Join the Alma College facebook Group there are almost 400 girls on there. Here are the things you could purchase at a reunion or it could be shipped. Golf Shirt – White Navy T – Shirt - Red Yellow – S thru XL Cap Scarves – fleece Scarves – Large Pashmina Blankets Miscellaneous Totes – regular Large Large – new blue tote Notepad Pens Note cards Mug – blue w gold Key Fob – silver colour Water Bottles – stainless steel Pendants – Alma in relief Silver Gold Plated Sterling ring Alma Alumnae Pin Red & Gold Bricks – Alma College - Picture of college Robson Print 88s Grad DVD 60s DVD Alma History Book – Butlin Amphitheatre Booklet Trivets Coasters Wedgewood Plates |
Alma Years: | 62-66 |
Now Living In: | London, ON |
March 3, 2015 20:01:32 (GMT Time) |
Name: | Donna Robertson |
Email: | donnaro{at} |
Comments: | Caroline Vickers - this website is in fact managed by girls from the 80s. I am sorry you don't like the items for sale. The Executive is open to any suggestions about items to offer. I can't think it would be possible to offer blazers or sweaters from several eras in numerous sizes, doubt anyone would be willing to pay for such things - very costly. Perhaps you could organize a group order and provide a sample and we could find someone to make them. I know my kids are not the least bit interested in my blazer or sweater. We are totally open to suggestions, ideas and if anyone from any era would like to be involved in any part of the Alumnae management, activities etc etc, welcome with open arms. Normally when we ask, there is a dead silence. The Alumnae would not exist now were it not for the older women involved so please don't criticize unless you want to participate in a positive way. Toujours, Donna 62-66 |
Alma Years: | 62-66 |
Now Living In: | London, ON |
March 3, 2015 19:50:29 (GMT Time) |
Name: | Caroline Vickers (nee: O'Donovan) |
Email: | vickerscarol803{at} |
Comments: | I was a student of alma college in 85-86...Iwas just told about the 20m site. I was not impressed with the content of the site & the products for sale are so very limited. I understand that the people that run this site were students from the 60's. It suprising to me that former students feel that all alma sisters are only interested in purchasing caps, visors or mugs. Really?...How about more variety for our fellow sisters?...things that we could buy because of memories to pass to our children. Things like school sweaters, the school blazers, t shirts, track pants. or day planners & calendar...ect...Because alma has left such an impression in all our hearts, she's gone now. But her spirit & memories are alive & well...The lack of products & pride in her make me feel the people that run the sight are tired & the spirit of our alma have left them so no effort into new content for the site has been tried. If that is the case, then they should pass the torch to someone who still has the a |
Alma Years: | 1985-86 |
Now Living In: | Victoria, BC |
March 1, 2015 04:34:41 (GMT Time) |
Name: | Caroline Vickers (O'Donovan) |
Email: | |
Comments: | Hello fellow Alma Girls!!! I just found this site...would love to hear from the girls from 1985-86...what fun memories....not causing problem anymore....guess I grew up as I'm sure we all married....4 beautiful children & 3 handsome grandsons....I am working as a chef now....and would love to reunite with anyone from those years.....& if anyone knows about mary Hartman, gabriella ruiz, dana, liza, cathy boone, & caroline from Trinidad would love to hear from them free to friend me on facebook - just look for the betty boop icon.....good times at alma...was sad to see the place abandoned.....& the fire is what surprised me.....if anyone has the 85/86 yearbook & wouldn't mind sending me a copy as I never received mine that I ordered.....let's all chat again folks! |
Alma Years: | 1985-86 |
Now Living In: | Victoria BC |
January 28, 2015 23:56:27 (GMT Time) |
Name: | Donna Robertson |
Email: | donnaro{at} |
Comments: | Join the facebook Group called Alma College. |
Alma Years: | 62-66 |
Now Living In: | London ON |
December 9, 2014 03:34:48 (GMT Time) |
Name: | Joanne (Hall) DeRoza |
Email: | blessings{at} |
Comments: | Hi Dorothy and Margaret Sure I remember you both. Giving Ms. Dipple so much .....dare I say ..... hahahaha. Those were the days. Hope all is well with you. Hope you can come to Bermuda in 2015. It will be lovely to see you both. Where has time gone....So quickly. Sad to see photos of Alma burning and all those pictures that lined the halls of Alma. I still have photos. I will try to share them. Take care. Joanne |
Alma Years: | 1972-1974 |
Now Living In: | Bermuda |
June 7, 2014 01:02:29 (GMT Time) |
Name: | Joanne (Hall) DeRoza |
Email: | blessings{at} |
Comments: | Would love you hear from the many friends that I met while at Alma. |
Alma Years: | 1972-1974 |
Now Living In: | Bermuda |
June 7, 2014 00:25:01 (GMT Time) |
Name: | Donna Robertson |
Email: | donnaro{at} |
Comments: | The annual newsletter will be mailed out in March - please ensure we have your mailing address so that you are informed re Reunions, Alumnae activities, obituaries etc. The Annual Reunion is June 13th weekend, we would love to see you there. |
Alma Years: | 1962-66 |
Now Living In: | London, ON |
February 27, 2014 22:41:07 (GMT Time) |
Name: | Tanja Loeb née Smith |
Email: | Tanjaloeb{at} |
Comments: | Those were some very memorable years. Would love to hear from some fellow classmates! |
Alma Years: | 1983-1985 |
Now Living In: | Oakville, Ontario |
January 27, 2014 02:25:08 (GMT Time) |
Name: | Wilma Fubler |
Email: | charlie{at} |
Comments: | graduated 1972 Would be interseted to hear from former classmates |
Alma Years: | 1968/69- 1972 |
Now Living In: | Bermuda |
December 16, 2013 16:28:25 (GMT Time) |
Name: | Deanna Reid |
Email: | dl.reid{at} |
Comments: | My grandmother attended Alma College in the mid 1920's. she had many great stories and memories that she shared with her family. I think my favourite was on her first day at the school. She decided to do a handstand against the wall and accidentally put her foot through a stained glass window of the chapel. I'm sure it made for an awkward start..... |
Alma Years: | |
Now Living In: | |
December 2, 2013 18:13:50 (GMT Time) |
Name: | terry cook |
Email: | terry.cook{at} |
Comments: | I've collected ALMA memorabilia for many years, on Nov.3/13 I got three diary's from a student named Gertrude Tweed dated 1927,28,29 and some 30, they're really quite interesting, do you have ant information on her. |
Alma Years: | chasing the girls in the early 70's |
Now Living In: | St.Thomas |
November 10, 2013 23:08:46 (GMT Time) |
Name: | Donna Robertson |
Email: | donnaro{at} |
Comments: | Check out the Alma College facebook page, lots of Alma Composite pics are posted there. Ask to join if you have not already dome so. Great fun to chat with Alma girls we remember and one we have not yet met. The 2014 Alma Annual Reunion is here in London ON on June 13th weekend, 2014. Save the date - check home page here for more details. |
Alma Years: | 62-66 |
Now Living In: | |
October 27, 2013 17:14:45 (GMT Time) |
Name: | Donna Robertson |
Email: | donnaro{at} |
Comments: | The 50s & 60s had their get together in Toronto in Sept on weekend of the 20th. It was such fun! Each group had a hospitality suite with plenty of back & forth visiting and we all had dinner together on Friday & Saturday. As someone said, the weekend was good for the soul - old friends, memories, new friends, a loving and fun environment. It will likely be 2016 before the next 50s & 60s event but don't forget the Annual Reunion which will be in London, ON in June 2014. |
Alma Years: | 62-66 |
Now Living In: | |
October 2, 2013 01:08:31 (GMT Time) |
Name: | Norma McLeod (Frederickson) |
Email: | normaian{at} |
Comments: | Happen to stumble upon the site!!! It is kind of fun catching up on the happenings.I retired from teaching a year ago,this life isn't for me I am so bored! We have antique cars, play lots of tennis, and have a house in FL, there isn't an excuse for being bored!!! Hope to catch up with some classmates. |
Alma Years: | 64-69 ? |
Now Living In: | Mt.Brydges |
August 16, 2013 19:23:49 (GMT Time) |
Name: | Donna Robertson |
Email: | donnaro{at} |
Comments: | Great to see the Guestbook so active. There are 2 more get togethers this year. One for 70s & 80s and one for 50s & 60s. Interested? Send me an email. Join the Alma College facebook page, lots of news there, photos, friends etc. How do you like the new website Home Page? Smashing I think. Thee June reunion was a wonderful time - the long lost 'Bell' was rung to call us to lunch, what a great sound. Also some of the recently donated Doll Collection was there for us to see. Please stay in touch !! |
Alma Years: | 62-66 |
Now Living In: | London ON |
June 20, 2013 22:58:12 (GMT Time) |
Name: | Donna Robertson |
Email: | donnaro{at} |
Comments: | The June Reunion was wonderful. In July there will be a get together in Woodbridge for the 70s & 80s girls. In September there will be a get together in Toronto of 50s & 60s girls. If you are able or interested, please contact me for details. Also there is a very active facebook page called Alma College which you can join. We have a fairly extensive database so if you are looking for an Alma girl, we may be able to help. |
Alma Years: | 62-66 |
Now Living In: | London ON |
June 20, 2013 21:40:46 (GMT Time) |
Name: | Ruth Whiteley - Wells |
Email: | ruthwells{at} |
Comments: | had a great time at the June reunion in London. looking forward to Sept. reunion in Toronto. we visited the site of the school on our way back home. so sad to see it . |
Alma Years: | 1961/2 & 1/2 of '63 |
Now Living In: | Dartmouth, Nova Scotia |
June 14, 2013 04:59:34 (GMT Time) |
Name: | Susann Wolbers-King |
Email: | kingsue{at} |
Comments: | Read Joan's comment on the Pt. Stanley fortune-teller. Everything has come true for me. Things that I argued with her about have happened! I remember Mary Lou Covey's reading & was warned of an early death--so tragic , she was on the Korean Airliner shot down. Life is good--live in mtn's of NC summers & south Fld winters. Happily married 22 years super guy. I am mostly retired RN--still help w/ local home health office occ. |
Alma Years: | Graduated 1971 |
Now Living In: | NC & Fld |
June 11, 2013 18:25:04 (GMT Time) |
Name: | margaret mabon(elia) &dorothy mabon |
Email: | marg_mabon_elia{at} |
Comments: | I sit and read guest book usuallt monthly-- my sister and I were the blond twins in 1972-1974 lol. Warner and lower mac.. Joanne Hall I remember you and also Donna Peets that was nice she was in your wedding! So sorry to hear she had passed away.Its good to catch up reading and see what people are up to. So many memories I cherish from my alma days. |
Alma Years: | 1972-74 grades 9-10 1977-78 grade 13 |
Now Living In: | |
June 8, 2013 04:06:10 (GMT Time) |
Name: | Abigail Hadeed |
Email: | abigailhadeed{at} |
Comments: | Wow, going through the messages, looking at the photos and seeing the videos has really made me sad. I remember so many old friends, and so much fun and mischeif we got up too. I was one of many Trinidadians that passed through this grand old school. It is very sad it was set afire! I hope the people responsible spend the rest of their lives in jail.Any one form my years wist to contact me please feel free. |
Alma Years: | 1979-82 |
Now Living In: | Trinidad, W.I |
June 2, 2013 01:47:28 (GMT Time) |
Name: | Joanne Hall now Ms. Joanne DeRoza |
Email: | blessings{at} |
Comments: | I was sorry to hear about the fire at Alma. I had so many memories there. Planting a tree as Student Council President in 1974 for the Graduating class. The dances with the boys school. Mrs. Bone and Mrs Dipple. Wow..... I miss my friend Donna Peets who passed away some time ago. She was in my wedding party. I don't see many Alma girls in Bermuda. Our lives are so busy. But we will never forget Good Ole Alma. Regards Joanne |
Alma Years: | 1972 - 1974 |
Now Living In: | Bermuda |
March 18, 2013 01:32:56 (GMT Time) |
Name: | Joan Chesterfield |
Email: | jchesterfield2{at} |
Comments: | Still kicking after all these years! |
Alma Years: | 1967-1971 |
Now Living In: | LaSalle,Ontario |
March 2, 2013 17:30:20 (GMT Time) |
Name: | Lisa Matthews |
Email: | lisadianne1{at} |
Comments: | Alma Collee will be missed.... |
Alma Years: | 1974 |
Now Living In: | |
February 21, 2013 18:36:05 (GMT Time) | |
Name: | Joan(Eastwood)Banks |
Email: | jjanks5454{at} |
Comments: | By the way, that dummy over the railing was mine! |
Alma Years: | 1968-72 |
Now Living In: | Middletown, Ohio USA |
January 11, 2013 16:03:59 (GMT Time) |
Name: | |
Email: | |
Comments: | |
Alma Years: | |
Now Living In: | |
January 11, 2013 15:54:16 (GMT Time) |
Name: | Joan(Eastwood)Banks |
Email: | jbanks5454{at} |
Comments: | cont.."banana bread" stuck on the side of a certain someones car on Sunday after "drinks at Western" Sat. night. Thanks God for Miss Merceroux..we were late, the doors were locked and she was so understanding!!!The best housemother ever! My Dad just shook his head..Didnt turn out too bad. Live with husband have 4 kids twin boy and girl(3o) RN and broker, son(29)marine and son(32)cop, 7 grandkids 3dogs and 1cat.Im a RN 28years and husband has own business. Life is good. I kinda feel old writing this but I know Ive still got it in me. Jane, I will hitchhike with you anywhere;-)! Remeber Madam Forina the fortune teller in Port Stanley and all the flies? How did we finish?! Ill finish now so as not to get cut off. Write if you want. Live a good life. Sad about the fire.. it was an unique place, neat town with interesting locals...hmmm. |
Alma Years: | |
Now Living In: | |
January 11, 2013 08:23:09 (GMT Time) |
Name: | Joan (Eastwood)Banks |
Email: | jbanks5454{at} |
Comments: | Came upon this..had to say Hi to old friends. Hey,Jane. Hope all is well with memory is getting busted by Miss Bone and school nurse during our great escape one long weekend, hitchhiking to London to see a certain young man:-)?? It was very cold along that stretch of road as I recall and they never did stop to pick us up...just drove right on by. Did we get into trouble for that? I cant recall, there were so many times...we sure had fun! And Mojo, missing her Vic and Rod Stewart.My ankles were her pet peeve and they havent changed! Traynor..we wrote once then lost touch..remember "tanning" on the tennis court frigin cold... with our album covers and aluminum foil? Sue, I remember well your "Joe Cocker" and your love of Leonard Cohen. Nancy...I think you were destined to be a model. I learned all about makeup from you. Good to hear from you all. Good memory, "pie day" and all those lovely leftovers. And that lemon desert thing in the big good! Bad memory, the "bana |
Alma Years: | 1968-72 |
Now Living In: | Middletown,Ohio,USA |
January 11, 2013 07:58:46 (GMT Time) |
Name: | Ruth Whiteley Wells |
Email: | ruthwells{at} |
Comments: | i am trying to find carol taylor attended 62/63 |
Alma Years: | 1961-3 |
Now Living In: | |
November 4, 2012 05:45:05 (GMT Time) |
Name: | Patricia McKnight |
Email: | mcknight.anc{at} |
Comments: | My mom Roberta Ruth (Hicks) Clarke who attended Alma in 1936-37 has passed away at the age of 102, in Hamilton, Ontario. Ruth also taught at Alma (secretarial courses, especially typing) during 1945. Whenever Mom spoke of her Alma days it was always with enthusiasm and warmth. Several years ago she purchased a lovely fall print of Alma College, in perhaps the early 1900's, with students mingling in front and the trees turning golden. She took that print with her to her retirement home. She was very upset to hear about the fire. I have found several photos from her days at Alma with various friends whose names I do not know but with whom I imagine she stayed in touch. She and her dear friend Mary (Ballachey) Langan, whom she met at Alma, kept their friendship throughout their lives. They both went from Alma to complete their degrees at the University of Toronto in 1939. What a wonderful experience Alma was for her and, as I can see from this guestbook and your website, for so many y |
Alma Years: | 1936-7 & 1945 |
Now Living In: | Ancaster ON |
October 1, 2012 14:37:21 (GMT Time) |
Name: | Maria Futo |
Email: | Manefuto{at} |
Comments: | Aloha all ! I grew up in Venezuela and went to Alma College for a very short time ( Sept - Dec 1977 ). I didn't speak a word of English by that time and in those three months, with everyone's help was able to communicate very good. I remember some girls like Kim, Lisa, Gloria, Marybeth, I believe I have some pictures too... I have to go now ! Will write again later ! Aloha ! |
Alma Years: | 77 |
Now Living In: | Sunset Beach, North Shore, Hawaii |
September 21, 2012 01:22:06 (GMT Time) |
Name: | Donna Robertson |
Email: | donnaro{at} |
Comments: | Alumnae - Please go to the Facebook page called Alma College. There you will find lots of Alumnae from your years and even a reunion being planned !!! |
Alma Years: | 1962-66 |
Now Living In: | London, ON |
August 15, 2012 01:01:14 (GMT Time) |
Name: | Susan (Wagman) Punzo |
Email: | susannapunzo{at} |
Comments: | Was a bit bored and just googling when I found this page. It was sad to hear old Alma burned down. We had a lot of crazy times there. I remember hiding in Debra and Mimi's room after curfew, eating smoked oysters and hiding in the closet. Remember when it was a highlight to go to sidestore or downtown. Going to London was utopia! I remember Miss Bell made everyone write poems and about 30 people made me write theirs. I remember going to the haunted piano room with Caron and listening to her belt out James Taylor. I was the clown immitating Joe Cocker. I could go on....those were the days. Hope everyone is well and happy! I am!!!! |
Alma Years: | 1970 ish |
Now Living In: | Prince Edward Island |
August 10, 2012 18:28:59 (GMT Time) |
Name: | asha rajcoomar |
Email: | asha.saith{at} |
Comments: | stumbled across this and thrilled. would love to make contact. Cathy? Lucy? Sylvia? |
Alma Years: | 75/76 |
Now Living In: | Triniad WI |
August 2, 2012 03:19:44 (GMT Time) |
Name: | Angela Hunter |
Email: | michael-angela{at} |
Comments: | Alma was a turning point in my life. It set me on the right path. Life has had many challenges but the lessons learned at Alma made me fit for all. I appreciate everything my teachers and classmates taught me. I was very sad to hear about the fire. I have been teaching high school for over 23 years. I think the formula Alma provided is exactly what today's students need. I would love to hear from Susan or Linda or any others. |
Alma Years: | 1984 |
Now Living In: | Newmarket, Ontario |
July 4, 2012 01:19:05 (GMT Time) |
Name: | Adriene Bate LOOKING FOR Gloria McIntyre |
Email: | adrienebate{at} |
Comments: | I am searching for anyone that is or knows Gloria McIntyre who graduated in 1943. Please send me an email if you know anything about her or where I could find Gloria. Thank you |
Alma Years: | 1943 |
Now Living In: | London, Ontario |
July 1, 2012 04:55:18 (GMT Time) |
Name: | Ansar Ali-Shand |
Email: | ashand{at} |
Comments: | Such wonderful memories and great friends. Ever so greatful for my year there. Loved seeing some familiar names on the guest book,hopefully we can reconnect. So sad this beauiful school is gone and we lost Betty Bone may she RIP |
Alma Years: | '70's |
Now Living In: | Virginia USA (formerly from Trinidad) |
June 20, 2012 00:36:56 (GMT Time) |
Name: | Heather Thompson |
Email: | sierra{at} |
Comments: | The brilliant blaze, illuminating every window, was indicative of the greatness of Alma. Alma’s spirit along with lifelong experiences are carried forth! |
Alma Years: | 1980's |
Now Living In: | Teeswater, Ontario |
June 4, 2012 16:02:09 (GMT Time) |
Name: | Roanna Rude nee Pearce |
Email: | roannarude{at} |
Comments: | How sad the school is gone. So many memories. |
Alma Years: | 1980 to 1984 |
Now Living In: | Calgary Alberta |
March 18, 2012 16:11:54 (GMT Time) |
Name: | Pattie pearn ( URLIN 0 |
Email: | ppearn{at} |
Comments: | wrong e mail address this is the correct one |
Alma Years: | 1963 to 1967 |
Now Living In: | Mt Brydges , Ontario |
February 13, 2012 17:45:06 (GMT Time) |
Name: | Pattie Pearn ( URIN ) |
Email: | ppearb{at} |
Comments: | Wow it has been years. I ws cleaning out my cosets the other day and came across my red blazar and blue skirt. I will not tel you all if I fit into the skirt ( ha ha ) . It certainly brought back many happy memories. I live just west of London and work though out the area selling Real Estate for Remax. Loving my job as it keeps me busy. Have one son who is y world and he just got married last july. My daughter in law s just the sweetiest thing a parent could ask for. Hope to hear from al of you |
Alma Years: | cannotbe sure 1963 thru to 1967 |
Now Living In: | Mt Brydges Ontario |
February 13, 2012 17:43:29 (GMT Time) |
Name: | Elizabeth Cambell |
Email: | emspio{at} |
Comments: | |
Alma Years: | grad 1986 |
Now Living In: | Maryland |
February 7, 2012 18:16:31 (GMT Time) |
Name: | Donna Robertson |
Email: | donnaro{at} |
Comments: | Yes seems folks are using Facebook most of the time - you can join 2 Groups there - 'Alma College' or 'Alma College International Alumnae' I suggest you join both. |
Alma Years: | 62-66 |
Now Living In: | London, ON |
January 30, 2012 16:48:59 (GMT Time) |
Name: | Carolyn |
Email: | kilobar{at} |
Comments: | Not many on the guest book lately. Maybe all on FB or Twitter now. |
Alma Years: | 1961-1963 |
Now Living In: | |
January 28, 2012 00:32:44 (GMT Time) |
Name: | arceli olvera |
Email: | araolveras{at} |
Comments: | I heard about the fire at alma college so bad¡ |
Alma Years: | 77-78 |
Now Living In: | |
May 29, 2011 01:58:01 (GMT Time) |
Name: | Marybeth MacDonald |
Email: | mbmac{at} |
Comments: | I have such great memories from Alma and enjoyed reading the guest book comments. Dear Old Alma, we will always remember you. |
Alma Years: | 70's |
Now Living In: | Ontario |
May 3, 2011 22:45:31 (GMT Time) |
Name: | Karen (now known as Kate) Brown |
Email: | KBrown6607{at} |
Comments: | I have such fond memories of Alma. Attended for grade 12 in 1969 Would love to see a picture of the Chapel |
Alma Years: | 1969 |
Now Living In: | Muskoka |
May 3, 2011 20:38:23 (GMT Time) |
Name: | Pat (Elliott) Ruhl |
Email: | sunsetbeaches2002{at} |
Comments: | Hi Everyone: I'm looking for Fran Baird. She was at Alma the year after me which would make her there in 67. I don't know how many years she went to the school. We met in Holt Renfrew after our school years & found out we lived in the same town of Thornhill. Would like her to know about the 60's reunion this summer at the Delta Chelsea in Toronto. Hope to see her there. |
Alma Years: | 1964-1966 |
Now Living In: | Southampton, Ontario May - October; Fort Myers Beach, Florida November - April |
March 16, 2011 13:11:03 (GMT Time) |
Name: | Charlotte Giles (Rachael Barclay) |
Email: | antchralx{at} |
Comments: | My mother, Rachael Barclay, and my aunt, Beth Giles were students at Alma I think around '59-'61. My great aunt, Doreen Hall was a music teacher there from '42-'45. I am signing this guestbook in the hopes that maybe someone remembers them and maybe I can get my mother in contact with some of her old friends. There was also a student named Kyoko who was my mother's best friend. I am worried about her because of the tsunami and earthquake Japan had this past week. I hope to find out if anyone has heard from her. |
Alma Years: | Rachael's yrs:'58-62? |
Now Living In: | Brown City, MI |
March 16, 2011 05:37:08 (GMT Time) |
Name: | Carolyn MacDonald (nee Campbell) |
Email: | hylandpyne{at} |
Comments: | Just wondering if anyone was attending the 60's reunion in Toronto |
Alma Years: | 1961-63 |
Now Living In: | Kitimat British Columbia |
January 29, 2011 19:00:54 (GMT Time) |
Name: | Debra Burr Downing |
Email: | jimdowning{at} |
Comments: | I attended Alma College during the fall of 1967. I was a Junior at that time and loved the school. My father had been transfered to St.Thomas by Ford Motor Co. We were transfered again to Brazil in January of 1968, so I did not get to see anyone after the Christmas holidays of 1967. I remember Dr. Sifton, Miss Bone and Miss Jackson. |
Alma Years: | Fall of 1967 |
Now Living In: | Alexandria, Va (just outside Washington D.C. |
January 19, 2011 01:09:44 (GMT Time) |
Name: | leon, rachel j |
Email: | racheljleon{at} |
Comments: | |
Alma Years: | 1982-1984 |
Now Living In: | miami, florida usa |
January 16, 2011 20:44:41 (GMT Time) |
Name: | Maureen Masecar |
Email: | maureen.masecar{at} |
Comments: | Dr Flora Sifton was the principal when I attended Alma College and I haven't heard anything about her since I left Alma. Could you give me some details - she was a wonderful principal and I had great respect for her. Thanks for any info you can give. |
Alma Years: | 1966 - 1968 |
Now Living In: | Sudbury |
November 27, 2010 21:38:51 (GMT Time) |
Name: | Carolyne MacDonald |
Email: | kilobar{at} |
Comments: | Would love to hear from anyone that was at Alma from 1960-63 |
Alma Years: | 1960-1963 |
Now Living In: | Kitimat, British Columbia |
November 7, 2010 14:28:38 (GMT Time) |
Name: | margaret mabon (elia) |
Email: | marg_mabon_elia{at} |
Comments: | hello everyone I am doing well very busy as usual with my husband and daughters 23 & 20 just celebrated our 25th to hear from any one that remembers dorothy and my self take care. |
Alma Years: | 1972-1974 grads 9&10 /1977-1978 grade 13 |
Now Living In: | niagara on the lake ont. |
October 11, 2010 04:26:53 (GMT Time) |
Name: | Felicia LO |
Email: | lo_felicia{at} |
Comments: | Unable to find any familiar name from my class. Miss Masur, do you still remember me? Please write me a line when you have time. |
Alma Years: | 1981 |
Now Living In: | Hong Kong & China |
October 3, 2010 18:55:35 (GMT Time) |
Name: | Marilyn Langstaff |
Email: | mrlangstaff{at} |
Comments: | Hello to anyone who attended Alma during 1955 and 1956. There must be someone out there! |
Alma Years: | 1955 - 1956 |
Now Living In: | Covington GA (near Atlanta) |
September 21, 2010 22:18:11 (GMT Time) |
Name: | carol alleston (wilson) |
Email: | calleston{at} |
Comments: | this truly is a great site, so sorry to hear of the fire. |
Alma Years: | 1964-1965 |
Now Living In: | Richmondhill, ont |
September 16, 2010 16:48:08 (GMT Time) |
Name: | Maureen Masecar |
Email: | maureen.masecar{at} |
Comments: | Baby-sitting my grandson Kiefer today and happened on to this wonderful guest book. It has been many years since I thought about Alma. I would love to hear from my singing buddy Diane McCrady - we had some great times together I'll never forget singing solos/duets in the beautiful chapel - does anyone know where Sylvia Brightwell is - good memories of singing in her chorus. I have a daughter Kirsten and she is following in her parents footsteps - singing/acting. Would love to hear from Lois Lofthouse she was next door to me in the new building. It would be great to hear from anyone during my years at Alma - sure devastated to learn of the demise of Alma College - why did this have to happen to "Dear Old Alma"??? Hope to hear from someone soon. |
Alma Years: | 1966-1968 |
Now Living In: | Sudbury, ON |
September 15, 2010 21:31:07 (GMT Time) |
Name: | Barb Addison |
Email: | abarb{at} |
Comments: | |
Alma Years: | 1967? |
Now Living In: | Pompano Beach, Florida, USA |
September 11, 2010 18:38:47 (GMT Time) |
Name: | Patrice J. S. Hemsworth |
Email: | |
Comments: | Please note, auditions to be accepted to this program are on Sunday, August 29, 2010 at the Waterloo Inn, King Street, Waterloo, ON, CANADA in the Rosedale Room. (see the website for further instructions) I echo Miss Donna when she says and I quote: "the context of the program is dance - the development is for life". Regards, Patrice J.S. Hemsworth |
Alma Years: | |
Now Living In: | |
August 19, 2010 04:12:06 (GMT Time) |
Name: | Patrice J.S. Hemsworth |
Email: | |
Comments: | Hello Friends: I believe in the structure of "DANCE". Dance has offered me "self discipline" and "education" that I carry with me to this day. This email is to introduce you to a professional dance development program that a very dear friend of mine has pioneered. Donna Bender (founder/director of Centre Stage Dance Studio Inc) has been working and training since 2004 to develop this unique program. I was fortunate enough to have travelled with Miss Donna to California in 2007 to view "The Paula Morgan Technique" and believe that this program is designed for the dancer who wants to excel. With that being said, I would like to direct you to the following website for all information pertaining to this professional development program. This program is taught in Centre Stages' Kitchener, Ontario studio and is offered to students throughout North America. Please note, auditions to be accepted to this program are on Sunday, August 29, 2010 at the Waterloo Inn, King S |
Alma Years: | 86/87 |
Now Living In: | Waterloo, Ontario, Canada |
August 19, 2010 04:10:38 (GMT Time) |
Name: | Christin Geall |
Email: | cgrg{at} |
Comments: | My grandmother, Ruth Detwiler, left Alma College in 1938. I'm grateful for your site (and that of the Elgin Museum). I came across this ad text on the museum's site: “In considering your daughter’s education, it is important to remember that more than 90 out of 100 girls eventually have charge of a home. Homemaking is women’s grandest vocation, a proper training for that sphere is therefore the chief end of a girl’s education.” Alma College advertisement in London, Ontario paper, July 29, 1915. Can I ask if by the thirties such ideas were still common or was the curriculum shaped as much by the following: "Recently, when the original cornerstone was disturbed, a time capsule was discovered containing a book entitled Woman, Man’s Equal, illustrating the progressive attitudes of its founders and faculty." I'm curious...many thanks. Christin Geall |
Alma Years: | 1930's |
Now Living In: | Victoria |
April 28, 2010 18:23:24 (GMT Time) |
Name: | Gail Edgar |
Email: | |
Comments: | Recently visited the pile of bricks and charred beams in St. Thomas that used to be our beautiful school. Unbelievable! I was overcome with grief. I can't find words to express my anger and disgust of the politicians and owners that allowed this to happen. What a disgrace. Just finished reading the many tributes to Alma posted on various websites. Don't know if anyone will remember me. I was at Alma from March 1973 to June 1974 to finish Grade 12 and complete Grade 13. I lived on the second floor of the New Residence with Adriana (and Aurora) Sereni-Flores from Mexico. I recognized several names and enjoyed reading the Guestbook. We are truly Alma's legacy. My congratulations to the Alumnae Association for keeping everyone in touch. I am going to try and get to the reunion this year. Was cleaning out an old trunk recently and would you believe it - I still have my Grade 12 yearbook, and my tunic and sweater (a few sizes too small now!)Also have a book of photos - Fall Sport |
Alma Years: | 1973-1974 |
Now Living In: | Toronto, Ontario |
April 27, 2010 05:32:05 (GMT Time) |
Name: | Dan Erwin |
Email: | dan_erwin{at} |
Comments: | I have been trying to find Karen Jenning for many years. She attended Alma College in the early 60's. If anyone knows her, please give her my email. |
Alma Years: | |
Now Living In: | Kissimmee, Florida |
April 13, 2010 16:47:36 (GMT Time) |
Name: | Barbara and Bernt M. Berntsen |
Email: | barber{at} |
Comments: | A young woman named Judy Varga taught art at your school during the second world war. She was engaged to a young norwegian lawyer named Bernt Barge that was stationed at Little Norway. We are his family. In 1943 a book based on his letters to her was published, Gremlins At Work. We would very, very much like to know what happened to her after he died when his Spitfire failed over Norfolk, England flying for the RAF in May of 1943. |
Alma Years: | |
Now Living In: | |
March 16, 2010 13:42:31 (GMT Time) |
Name: | Lara Masur Leitch |
Email: | highlandwoods{at) |
Comments: | Have you joined the ALMA COLLEGE INTERNATIONAL ALUMNAE site on Facebook? You may leave your comments and photos there because it's a private site. Read about our efforts to assist an orphanage in Haiti. Did you know there are plans being made for an Alma trip to Arizona in 2011? Find your friends and check it all out on under group "Alma College International Alumnae" ? |
Alma Years: | 1970-1988 |
Now Living In: | London |
January 22, 2010 17:35:38 (GMT Time) |
Email: | ealyman1{at} |
Alma Years: | '83-'86 |
January 4, 2010 19:39:11 (GMT Time) |
Name: | Christen McKenzie |
Email: | cmckenzie{at} |
Comments: | Season's is amazing what you can find on the web......just need the time to actually sit down and look! |
Alma Years: | |
Now Living In: | Toronto |
December 21, 2009 14:25:37 (GMT Time) |
Name: | Angelica Alonso |
Email: | angieamu{at} |
Comments: | I would love to hear from the friends I met in Alma College!!! |
Alma Years: | 82-83 |
Now Living In: | Mexico City |
November 4, 2009 06:27:10 (GMT Time) |
Name: | Diana Traynor Rencsak |
Email: | diana{at} |
Comments: | I went to the Golden Reunion with my aunt (Ruth Ann Greenbury 56-58) last year 2008. The school had just burned down. So sad to see that care was not taken for all these years to protect the beautiful Chapel windows. The St Thomas folks planted the amphitheater, which was very sweet. Alma will always be a part of my life, it think it shaped us all and touched our hearts and souls. I am very happy that 3 or 4 years before the Alma was burnt to the ground, on our way back from TO, my husband and daughters stopped by Alma. I had sneaked out so many times, sneaking in was no problem! I am glad my girls walked the halls (stripped bare) saw my old rooms and listened to my stories. I am wondering if anyone knows what happened to Kitty Pope, Patty Proudfoot, Micki Markham Liz VanAtter and Mary Odette. Please let me know. |
Alma Years: | 1969 -1972 |
Now Living In: | Howell, Michigan |
September 7, 2009 23:03:05 (GMT Time) |
Name: | Mary (Vazquez) Casas |
Email: | maryv_casas{at} |
Comments: | I feel so sad I heard about Alma being burnt down......and before that they wanted to tear the building down. Do the owners know how many wonderful memories are contained (or were) in those walls. I feel saddened for me Alma was my favorite school. |
Alma Years: | 11977-1980 |
Now Living In: | Brazi; |
August 19, 2009 01:18:15 (GMT Time) |
Name: | Esther Farlinger ( nee Brostyan) |
Email: | estherfarlinger{at} |
Comments: | anyone from the 1952-53 years available? Would love to hear from you. |
Alma Years: | 1951-52 |
Now Living In: | Toronto Canada |
August 15, 2009 18:18:24 (GMT Time) |
Name: | Susann Wolbers-King |
Email: | SIP{at}HTN.NET |
Comments: | looking to reconnect with Alma girls from 1966-1968 & 1970-71 Not real happy aboutinfo sharing on facebook Maybe reunion 2011 for the 1971 gang? |
Alma Years: | 1966-68 & 1970-71 |
Now Living In: | Spruce Pine, NC & Lk. Placid, Fl |
August 1, 2009 18:00:01 (GMT Time) |
Name: | Barbara Christie O'Brien |
Email: | kjobrien{at} |
Comments: | I know of a house for rent in Nanaimo B.C. for January and February,2010. This is during the Olympics, and buses will be ferrying people on the island to all of the events. Unfortunately, it is only available on a monthly basis. Perhaps someone you know would like to winter on Vancouver Island? Email me if you are seriously interested. |
Alma Years: | 64-65 |
Now Living In: | London,ON |
June 20, 2009 17:33:53 (GMT Time) |
Name: | Mary (Pastorius) Allard |
Email: | soccer_mom144{at} or |
Comments: | Hi Girls: I just got back from the reunion 2009 held in London. I think it would be great if more of the girls from the 70's could connect. If any of you have any ideas of a meeting place or a time of year let me know. love to hear from you! |
Alma Years: | 1973-76 |
Now Living In: | Kilworth (just west of London) Ontario |
June 7, 2009 12:44:05 (GMT Time) |
Name: | Barbara Christie O'Brien |
Email: | kjobrien{at} |
Comments: | Many thanks to the Alma College Alumnae Association reunion committee. We just had the 2009 reunion, and what a pleasure it was to have 29 girls there from the the names Jane Casselman, Mary Wood, Molly Meuser, Margot Dennison, Anne Leeson bring back any memories? What fun we had reminiscing and telling tales! Please plan to attend next year's reunion if you can! |
Alma Years: | 1964-65 |
Now Living In: | London,ON |
June 7, 2009 00:08:47 (GMT Time) |
Name: | Norma Betancourt (Marcano) |
Email: | norma.betancourt{at} |
Comments: | I am from Venezuela and just found out about the burning of our dear and beutiful Alma College building. I would like to know how I can register to Alma Alumnae Association and probably attend June's reunion. |
Alma Years: | 1961-1963 |
Now Living In: | Miami, FLorida/USA |
May 18, 2009 19:05:26 (GMT Time) |
Name: | Jen Brimner for Beth (Bateman) Cooper |
Email: | brimnerclan{at} |
Comments: | Good afternoon everyone. My Mom, Beth Bateman attended Alma College in the late 40's early 50's (sorry I don't have real dates). My Mom has taken a horribly tragic turn, and all of the sudden. She is currently on life support, and the Dr's informed us on Wednesday that she has enstage cancer (lung/liver, and likely else where). So the news is grim, and I wanted to share with the whole Alma community, but also I'm looking for someone in particular. Ann Louise Stevens. I have an address for her, but no phone contact. My Mom and she have maintained contact since Alma...and I would like to let her know in advance of her passing. If anyone has her information, please forward it to me. Also, my Mom has maintained a beautiful photo album with amazing photos from the Alma years from all the theatre productions she was in, to class photos, to candids. If you knew my Mom, and would be interested in seeing these....I'll be happy to scan them and email them. |
Alma Years: | |
Now Living In: | Windsor, Ontario |
April 26, 2009 22:11:31 (GMT Time) |
Name: | Deirdre (MacDonald) Weston |
Email: | deirdreweston{at} |
Comments: | Very sad to hear that Alma has burnt down. A few years ago when we were on our way back from Sarnia my family made a pit stop to investigate what my husband likes to refer to as "Deirdre's Bad Girl School". I was sad to see what the years of closure had done to a once majestic building. I haven't been in contact with anyone from Alma since the five year reunion which was many years ago now. Reading the site has made me a mite bit nostalgic. Hope all are well out there. |
Alma Years: | 1979-1981 |
Now Living In: | Constance Bay |
April 22, 2009 14:47:52 (GMT Time) |
Name: | liza biniaris |
Email: | angeliajoelee{at} |
Comments: | overwhelmed by the sadness of seeing that beautiful gothic structure, fall in ruins. miss all the alma times. best years of all our lives. hello to liskula, dana, dawn e, jenn gordon , call me in t bay antyime. |
Alma Years: | |
Now Living In: | |
April 12, 2009 04:24:28 (GMT Time) |
Name: | Barbara O'Brien (nee: Christie) |
Email: | kjobrien{at} |
Comments: | I am attempting to update the Alma database for the 1960s. There are approx.1300 names on that list, and we have contact info for only about 300 of those. If you think you are not on the list, please contact me by email. We are planning to have a reunion for the 1960s, and would like to reach as many of the girls as possible. Thanks for your help. |
Alma Years: | 1964-65 |
Now Living In: | London, ON |
April 1, 2009 23:28:17 (GMT Time) |
Name: | Neisha Samlal-Goodridge |
Email: | neishasamlal-goodridge{at} |
Comments: | I tried to contact some people from the email address but these seem to be out. I am looking for Ivy Chan 86-87. Can any one help? |
Alma Years: | 86-87 |
Now Living In: | trinidad |
January 10, 2009 20:53:35 (GMT Time) |
Name: | Neisha Samlal-Goodridge |
Email: | neishasamlal-goodridge{at} |
Comments: | Ican't believe that Heathe still has those things! I envy her I wish I had mine. Just really happy to have fond this site. |
Alma Years: | 1986-1987 |
Now Living In: | Chaguanas Trinidad |
January 9, 2009 20:58:38 (GMT Time) |
Name: | naudia lebana |
Email: | naudiamache{at} |
Comments: | I currently live in British Columbia and only found out about the fire this evening (December 13th). For some reason a girlfriend I roomed with in 82' or 83' came up in a discussion and I thought I would google her and see if I could find out anything about her. That was Daniel Lizette Marie Leblanc D'Tedesco. Anyway, I am still in shock over what has happened to Alma College. It is devistating to think that this wonderful building, and it's heritage and architecture was not protected by the town of St. Thomas and Elgin County. I am so sad. |
Alma Years: | 1982-85 |
Now Living In: | Vancouver, British Columbia |
December 14, 2008 08:28:39 (GMT Time) |
Name: | Judy Nicholson-Jeffries |
Email: | jeffriesjudy{at} |
Comments: | I am visiting Mexico City and traveling south along the east coast of Mexico to Belize, then through central america to south america. My husband and I are backpacking and expect to be traveling by bus and staying in hostels. Any suggestions, recommendations, warnings would be appreciated by us as we are traveling.....we think we will be 4-5 months doing this leg of the journey. Also we are meeting people who would like to do house exchanges in the future!!! |
Alma Years: | 1970-1972 |
Now Living In: | White Rock, BC |
December 13, 2008 16:07:42 (GMT Time) |
Name: | chris brown |
Email: | moldol10{at} |
Comments: | HI and Great Website!! I was a "Carman" Girl...(the girls that got up too early to work in the dining room)...what fun!!!!!!!!!!!! I have lost touch with everyone but a few people that come to mind are..Karen McKinley, Janice Jones, Diane Futer, Lyn Haig..I am all grown up now but would love to hear from YOU ..the year of 68/69 |
Alma Years: | 68/69 |
Now Living In: | Brantford, Ontario |
November 18, 2008 21:51:53 (GMT Time) |
Name: | Nancy Hurst (Lord) |
Email: | penny981{at} |
Comments: | This site brings back so many memories. I've lost touch with most friends made at Alma College with the exception of Vicky Scott. Looking for Anne Schaefer formerly of London then Edmonton area. So sorry to learn of Alma College's demise. |
Alma Years: | 1968-1970 |
Now Living In: | Hamilton |
October 21, 2008 16:12:11 (GMT Time) |
Name: | Lesley Kennedy |
Email: | |
Comments: | A note to let Alma Girls know that we lost one of our own this week. Lesley Kennedy (attended Alma during 1958 to 1962) Lesley was from Ottawa and after graduating Alma, moved to England, where she worked at Guy's hospital for over 30 years. Lesley attended our 58 to 63 reunion two weeks ago in Toronto, so it was a blessing that we all saw her. She was the same Lesley, we all loved and remembered. |
Alma Years: | 1958 to 1962 |
Now Living In: | deceased |
October 3, 2008 22:27:35 (GMT Time) |
Name: | Susan Goodwin Vorobel |
Email: | suzanv320{at} |
Comments: | I attended the reunion this June at Port stanley, saw so many old friends and rekindled fond memories. It was so sad to view the ruins of our Dear school. I am looking forward to next years reunion, mebbe this time i will remember to bring my yearbooks! |
Alma Years: | 1955-58 |
Now Living In: | Cape Coral Florida (Oct thru June), Holly Michigan (June thru Oct) |
September 30, 2008 17:48:11 (GMT Time) |
Name: | Sally Reid-Squier |
Email: | sdsquier{at} |
Comments: | I was devastated to hear what happened to Alma. I would love to hear from anyone from the years '75-79 and reconnect. I'm long overdue! |
Alma Years: | '75- '79 |
Now Living In: | New Minas, Nova Scotia |
September 26, 2008 22:46:17 (GMT Time) |
Name: | Alleen Thomas Maguire |
Email: | alleen353{at} |
Comments: | Hi there to anyone who can put me in touch with some of the girls I spent my time with at Alma college. Melissa Kennedy my old room mate, Kate Mc Kim Golley, Sandy Carson and or Nancy Ford |
Alma Years: | September 1977 to May 1978 |
Now Living In: | county Wicklow Ireland |
September 26, 2008 12:03:50 (GMT Time) |
Name: | Jane Whitt (Casselman) |
Email: | Bopee2{at} |
Comments: | My husband and I visited Alma this past spring,as we were in London for business. What a flood of wonderful memories as we walked around the grounds. How sad to hear that it has gone up in flames. A very timely visit I would say. |
Alma Years: | 1963-65 |
Now Living In: | Blacklick, Ohio |
September 25, 2008 19:47:15 (GMT Time) |
Name: | Carolyn (Campbell) MacDonald-Smith |
Email: | kilobar{at} |
Comments: | Ican't believe that anyone that owned this beautiful old building would let it go to ruin. I think it was just a set up to finally get rid of such to profit from the land. Disgraceful! There are very few buildings around with such a proud history and architecture. |
Alma Years: | 1961 to 1963 |
Now Living In: | |
August 28, 2008 02:59:13 (GMT Time) |
Name: | Elizabeth (Woollatt) Reid |
Email: | woollatt {at} |
Comments: | Dear old Alma - such a sad and horrific ending for a grand lady. Memories of my year there came flooding back after hearing the shocking news on the CBC, then seeing the very graphic pictures from the Times Journal. I brought out my Almafilian and spent several hours with it, reading almost every word and remembering the people behind the faces on the pages. That year was an important part of my life and I'll never forget it, or the friends I made. |
Alma Years: | 1965-66 |
Now Living In: | Eastern Ontario |
August 23, 2008 16:13:06 (GMT Time) |
Name: | Joanne (Walper) Pentecost |
Email: | jpentecost{at} |
Comments: | I drove by the Alma ruins 2 days ago. I would have loved to go in a get a brick, but wondered about my safety. The site is over-grown with tall weeds. Would love to hear from anyone in my year, including Christin McKenzie and Cindy Reynolds. |
Alma Years: | 1977-78 |
Now Living In: | Parkhill |
August 11, 2008 02:34:17 (GMT Time) |
Name: | Hannah-Ellen (James) Service |
Email: | hannah.service{at} |
Comments: | Wow I did not realize the college had burned down. Such a beautiful historical building. So many memories. I have a video of our graduation in 1969. would love to hear from you |
Alma Years: | 1968-70 |
Now Living In: | Kanata Ontario Canada |
August 7, 2008 03:11:25 (GMT Time) |
Name: | Linda L. Rabb ( Muckle) |
Email: | lbmd.rabb{at} |
Comments: | What a shame - but, Donna is right - we have each other and no one can erase that. The chapel left standing is so sad - Remember the day when Dr. Sifton and Miss Bone were at the front on a regular day - we dressed in our oxfords etc and Miss Bone announced we would sing Onward Christian Solders and the stomping of the oxfords began to the beat of the music - it was awhile until the next time that song was sung! The day I got married it was so hot in the Chapel I passed out before the I do'es! Sorry I missed the Reunion however plan to make next years! Trust everyone is having a nice summer - however it moving on quickly. Tootles! LLR |
Alma Years: | 65-68 |
Now Living In: | London |
July 30, 2008 18:13:44 (GMT Time) |
Name: | Barbara Christie O'Brien |
Email: | kjobrien{at} |
Comments: | I am trying to contact some old friends.....Kay Turnbull, Daphne Harker, Mary Wood. Anyone knowing their whereabouts, please advise!Trying to get a group together for next year's reunion....Margot Dennison is interested. |
Alma Years: | 1964-65 |
Now Living In: | London, ON |
July 29, 2008 02:11:25 (GMT Time) |
Email: | clavio{at} |
Comments: | What great memories. How I miss those days! i just know about the burn, it's so sad. Would love to hear from everyone in "my" time frame. I am now married with an 11yr old daughter. |
Alma Years: | 1984-1985 |
Now Living In: | Mexico City |
July 24, 2008 20:42:52 (GMT Time) |
Name: | Sue Mackenzie |
Email: | mackenzs {at} |
Comments: | I was at the college site last week. There are lots of bricks still available if you are interested. The amphitheatre looks great now that it has been revamped with flowers and the words ALMA are at the bottom in the grass made with the bricks from the college. Very emotional for all to see. |
Alma Years: | 1961-1963 |
Now Living In: | Oakville, Ontario |
July 22, 2008 16:53:20 (GMT Time) |
Name: | Dori Charters |
Email: | stillbluewater{at} |
Comments: | A fantastic School..I don't think I could keep track of the countless memories of experiences I still have and memories of the building itself Unbelievable. It would have made a fantastic Hotel, Community space, Library, heritage building, Museum and large enough to house all those things which would help the small town of St Thomas but most likely greed and neglect had the better of any plans, which brought on it's destruction. Instead, teens are charged but were likely hired by Rich mobsters, so now their lives are ruined as well. Never take a bribe from the rich or it will lead to destruction! People really believe that these teens did this? I don't think so. This was a huge fire only grown Men could have planned! I wonder how they will cover this one up? I think a great Heritage and Community could have been built if people backed the vision of the people but apparently, the real community does not matter? Thanks for the ones who at least tried! May the memories |
Alma Years: | 1970-71 |
Now Living In: | Eastern Ontario |
July 19, 2008 22:43:57 (GMT Time) |
Name: | Bonnie ( Bauwyneke) Woudstra |
Email: | wyneke{at} |
Comments: | It sure was a sad day for me when I received a call on my cell phone from my mother that Alma was on fire. My cousin was able to get a few bricks for me which I will cherish. I was wondering how to get in touch with alumni girls from the years 1963-66. It would be great to get connected. |
Alma Years: | 1963-66 |
Now Living In: | Shallow Lake, Ontario (just North of Owen Sound) |
July 14, 2008 16:18:17 (GMT Time) |
Name: | Heather McGavin Kelso |
Email: | hkelso{at} |
Comments: | I still have my kilt and oxfords! Funny! |
Alma Years: | |
Now Living In: | North Bay, ON |
July 13, 2008 14:41:58 (GMT Time) |
Name: | Lisa Johnson |
Email: | |
Comments: | Thanks to Donna Robertson and Joni Pypka for collecting and engraving over 100 bricks from Alma. It is a permanent memory of how grand Alma College was. The alumnae, who attended the June reunion, cannot thank you enough. |
Alma Years: | 1985-86 |
Now Living In: | Arva, Ontario (just outside of London) |
July 1, 2008 17:31:37 (GMT Time) |
Name: | Wendy Jones Clancy |
Email: | wclancy{at} |
Comments: | Still have my black oxfords and tunic. Would love to hear from Nancy Goldhar, Vivian Cole, Carol North and Wendy Mcnab. |
Alma Years: | 1970-71 |
Now Living In: | Toronto |
June 28, 2008 23:33:08 (GMT Time) |
Name: | Donna Robertson |
Email: | donnaro{at} |
Comments: | Hello - I am testing the new & repaired Guestbook. This is a great place to leave messages & to read messages & get in touch with each other. The June reunion was a great success with a good turnout, much fun was had by all. It was sad that the buiding was gone, but it demonstrated that what really counts are the people & those memories! Please try to attend next year, if you are looking for someone, send us an email - we may have her contact info. Thats it for now! |
Alma Years: | 62-66 |
Now Living In: | London ON |
June 24, 2008 16:39:03 (GMT Time) |
Name: | Marilyn Celia (Blair) Oliver |
Email: | maroliver{at} |
Comments: | How delighted I was to find this web page. I only went to Alma for my final year of high School. I also unfortuneately was a 5 day student. This left me with few friends at Alma and few friends at home. Home was London at that time since then I have lived all over. It is a long story and will share it sometime if any one remembers me. |
Alma Years: | |
Now Living In: | Toronto, Ontario |
June 20, 2008 20:19:55 (GMT Time) |
Messages 2000-2002 - Messages 2003-2005 - Messages 2006-2007