Alma College International Alumnae Association Guestbook

Alma College Alumnae Guestbook

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This page contains the most current entries. Here are previous years' entries:

Messages 2000-2002 - Messages 2003-2005 - Messages 2006-2007 - Messages 2008-2019

Name: Marilyn Langstaff
Email: mrlangstaff{at}
Comments: Hi: Anyone out there from my era?
Alma Years: 1955-56
Now Living In: Atlanta GA
  November 5, 2024 23:30:15 (GMT Time)

Name: Sylvia Shiell
Email: smshiell{at}
Comments: I'm looking for a few people: Urmila Seenath, Lynn Ogilvie, Irene Lo. Anyone have an idea where they are?
Alma Years: '76-79, 80-81, '85-86.
Now Living In: Vancouver Island. Paradise.
  August 18, 2024 23:37:24 (GMT Time)

Name: Debra
Email: Downing
Comments: Loved my time at Alma! It was a major milestone in my life.
Alma Years: 1967-68
Now Living In: Orlando, FL
  March 12, 2024 17:57:52 (GMT Time)

Name: Donna Robertson
Email: donnaro{at}
Comments: Join our official Alma facebook page at: Alma College International Alumnae Association
Alma Years: 62 - 64
Now Living In: Waterloo, Ontario
  July 22, 2023 00:15:22 (GMT Time)

Name: Joanne (Walper) Pentecost
Email: Joannepentecost{at}
Comments: Great to read comment from many years ago. Think of Alma College once in a while. Would love to hear from anyone who remembers me.
Alma Years: 76-77
Now Living In: Grand Bend, Ontario
  February 8, 2023 03:49:45 (GMT Time)

Name: Wendy (Owen) Austing
Email: b.austing{at}
Alma Years: 1960 - 1961
Now Living In: Belleville, Ontario
  March 10, 2022 16:48:40 (GMT Time)

Name: Donna Robertson
Email: donnaro{at}
Comments: Hello Alumnae Marnie is trying to reestablish our Guestbook. Please feel free to make a post here and lets hope the hackers stay away. We hope to have a reunion in 2021 so keep the first weekend in June 2021 free.
Alma Years: 62-66
Now Living In: London
  October 13, 2020 22:14:45 (GMT Time)

Name: Sharon C Edoo
Email: sharon.harris1{at}
Comments: Looking back to the 80's trying to get my transcripts :)
Alma Years: 1983-85
Now Living In: Marietta GA USA
  July 8, 2020 20:04:46 (GMT Time)

Name: Marnie Shore
Comments: Please also remember that we have an active Facebook page -- the Alma College International Alumnae Association.
Alma Years:  
Now Living In:  
  April 8, 2020 21:59:53 (GMT Time)

Name: Marnie Shore
Comments: Hello Alumnae, I have re-instated this guestbook, hoping that it has been disabled long enough that spammers have moved on. Feel free to post messages.
Alma Years:  
Now Living In:  
  April 8, 2020 21:51:39 (GMT Time)

Messages 2000-2002 - Messages 2003-2005 - Messages 2006-2007 - Messages 2008-2019